Master Class

Broaden your understanding of financial fitness...

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

On Tuesday, Carol and I were able to write our last check to a personal loan that we had with a credit union. We are so excited about that because now all we have left is our home mortgage. That means in the past 2.5 years we have eliminated $57,000 in credit card debt, 2 car loans, and the $15,000 personal loan. That’s the Financial Fitness Program working at its best right there!
Luis Medina

We were $10K in debt and we didn’t have any hope for our financial future; we also weren’t on the same page financially as a couple. As we started going through the Financial Fitness Program, we were inspired to start applying the new information into our lives. After going through the ‘Green Box’, we found around $700 extra to invest in ourselves and our business, and have been able to save 10% of our income. Right now we are debt free! Also, by next month we will have our emergency fund complete. Without the information from the Green Box, we would have been trapped in the Financial Matrix forever.
Jared and Aleks Ervin

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